Author: racquetclub

Teamwork On and Off the Court

Members of the CJWTL Monday B team, led by captain Tracey Balestrieri, donated lunches to their teammate, Diane Albala, and her colleagues, who have worked so hard in the ER at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in Hamilton.  Thanks so much to Diane, and all of the dedicated men and women, who have helped us navigate…

At Home With PRC, Episode 21

Many tennis players are also baseball fans, and are sad to miss their favorite teams.  Some fans will be happy to see Judy back in her Yankee apparel.  Today, Judy uses her baseball glove and like an outfielder, turns and catches the ball with her left hand.  This move resembles the proper way to turn…

At Home With PRC, Episode 20

Everyone has really missed their tennis lessons and matches.  As time passes, it can become more challenging to be hopeful and positive during these difficult times. Today, let’s focus on your first day back on the courts.  Are you going to play singles? doubles?  indoor?  outdoor?  Next,  identify your partner and opponent(s).  Visualize holding serve,…

At Home With PRC, Episode 19

The “shelter in place” directive has provided extra time for us to devote to activities that we usually don’t do. Playing tennis or golf, or working at the computer promotes that the shoulders are in a closed position. Today, we “demonstrate” three poses that will help extension on the serve and opening up the chest.…

At Home With PRC, Episode 18

It’s Footwork Friday! Make a T, if desired, with tape. Slight cross steps, r-l-r, l-r-l into opposite boxes. Add quickness, but don’t lose accuracy. Do for so many seconds, break, repeat. Transition to volley steps with or without your racquet. Don’t forget to continue to work on your “WHY” (Episode 17). Have fun and be…

At Home With PRC, Episode 17

PRC at PTR Symposium

Today, we would like to share inspiring words from Dr. Jim Loehr.  Most of you are familiar with Dr. Loehr, the guru of mental toughness, and have implemented his techniques.  Thanks to the Professional Tennis Registry and Dr. Loehr, for sharing a message on overcoming adversity.  His video appears on the PRC Facebook page or…

At Home With PRC, Episode 16

Today,  we return to working on the serve motion.  Using a ball (or anything else), practice your toss, focusing on extending the tossing arm (left if you are right handed) above your head.  Keep your head back.  See if you can catch the object without moving your hand.  Next, add the movement of your racquet…

At Home With PRC, Episode 15

Today, we add the timing of the split step after our ready steps.  be sure to land softly on your drop/split step.  Have fun and be well.

At Home With PRC, Episode 14

Today, we focus on three footwork drills.  The first progression is a great way to get on your toes for a good ready position.  Practice each progression throughout the day and keep moving!

At Home With PRC, Episode 13

Since it’s Sunday, we thought we would take a break from tennis and share some tips on how to boost your immune system, using acupressure.  Thanks to Helen Law, who has helped so many of you with her healthcare procedures, for sharing them with us.  Massage each area gently for 1 minute and repeat 2-3…