Author: racquetclub

“A” Birthday Celebration

The PRC CJWTL Monday A team had a wonderful birthday celebration after the match for captain, Lori Perdigao.  Many happy returns, Lori.

Mental Toughness on Feb 1st

Four boys in the PRC Junior program demonstrated some dedication and mental toughness by practicing on the outdoor courts today.  Coach JR was impressed with their effort to prep for the upcoming tennis season at South Brunswick school.

Winning Combination – Tennis & Lunch with Friends

Superlatives regarding the 3.5 USTA match this afternoon between the PRC Volley Girls and the PRC Racqueteers were not limited to the court.  Both teams enjoyed sharing (food from around the world) and chatting.  It just doesn’t get any better than that!

More Super Bowl Tennis and Birthdays

More fun Super Bowl Tennis Matches today and Happy Birthday wishes to Linda Liu.

Fun With Slices and Aces

The day started early with a 3.5 USTA team match between the PRC Aces and the PRC Slice Girls.  Great matches and fun.

Super Week at PRC

Many students in classes this week have been enjoying some pre Super Bowl excitement by participating in Super Bowl Tennis games.  Holding serve and offense are important but so is defense – just like football.  Congrats to the winners and everyone enjoy the Super Bowl.

Happy Birthday, Dennis!

We were able to surprise Dennis and celebrate a belated birthday today at PRC.  Den was away for his birthday on January 8th so he was not expecting our pizza birthday cake.  After, the staff smoked cigars (cookies) to cap off the party.  We are so grateful for Den, our facility manager and also so…

USTA 3.5 Teams Back in Action

The teams competing in the 3.5 40 and over League were back in action after last week’s snowstorm delayed their first matches of the 2018 season.  Great matches today – congrats to the PRC Volley Girls and PRC Aces.  Three of the four matches between the Aces and Slice Girls went to a third set…

Match Chatter

Chatting after a match can be fun and one of the most enjoyable minutes spent at the club.  Comments can be shared between doubles players or teaching professionals.  Often, PRC pros watch USTA or CJWTL league matches and discuss tips with players.  Match plays offered on Mondays and Fridays are an excellent opportunity to receive…

Spring For USTA Leagues

It’s not too early to think about spring tennis!  The captain’s meeting for USTA women’s leagues (2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 day and evening) leagues for 18 and older and 40 and older will be held on Monday, January 29th at PRC at 7:00 pm.  Please contact Judy Vogt, local league coordinator, for a team application…