Category: Adult

leagues, tournaments, clinics

At Home With PRC, Episode 50

Today, we add a mental toughness component to the exercises that were presented in Episode 48, which focus on the lymphatic system and improving immunity to the virus.  The exercise itself is the physical component.  Saying affirmations will help with mental training.  Try sayings, such as: I Am Happy (pulling ear lobes), I Am Healthy…

At Home With PRC, Episode 49

Today, we focus on applying spin on serves.  In the video and in this narrative, we assume the server and receiver are right handed.  Use the continental grip.  To impart slice, your racquet should travel in a 9 to 3 o’clock path.  This will be effective when serving wide on the deuce side and to…

At Home With PRC, Episode 48

Oh my goodness- this is a very unfamiliar activity for us, but beneficial.  Coach Raj shared the video Stretch at Home, Exercise to Improve your Immune System from Dr. Ankita Dhelia.  The exercises focus on stimulating the lymphatic system and improving immunity to the virus.  Recommendations:  pulling ear lobes (2 min), ear cycles (2 min),…

At Home With PRC, Episode 47

Today, we have a new interpretation of target tennis.  Regardless, if you are inside or outside, select different objects and toss to targets (wastepaper cans, buckets, containers).  Vary the distance, which will force you to adjust the height of your toss/throw.  An underhand toss is related to back spin and an overhand toss can be…

At Home With PRC, Episode 46

We hope you have enjoyed the episodes, learned some tips and improved several physical and mental habits that may benefit you, on and off the court.  It seems hopeful that we may soon be allowed to return to the courts.  One of the many ways we need to modify our behavior is to minimize touching…

At Home With PRC, Episode 45

Today, we add some fun racquet and footwork drills.  The first two racquet drills are challenging, as you can only use the edge of your racquet frame to make contact.  You can practice ups and downs.  Start with letting the ball bounce between hits and then progress to volleys.  Next, do ups/volleys, but try to…

RIP, Betty Thompson

The local tennis community is very sad to learn of the passing of Betty Thompson, 90, formerly of Plainsboro.  Betty was an avid tennis player and received many awards and recognition for her 32 years of service,  as a tennis umpire for local, college and professional tournaments.  Judy and Cos, along with many captains, enjoyed…

At Home With PRC, Episode 44

Today, we add moving forward after the contact on the return of serve.  If you return cross court, this move enables you to continue to transition through contact and arrive around the service line (nonballside home in doubles).  Keep your head and eyes still at contact.   On the backhand, use a carioca or grapevine step…

At Home With PRC, Episode 43

In Episode 41, we discussed the footwork for the serve and volley.  In the next two episodes, we will focus on the footwork for the receiver.  In the first exercise, Judy requests that Cos follows her ready steps with a split step.  The overall goal for today’s exercise is to practice moving immediately after the…

At Home With PRC, Episode 42

Today, we demonstrate topspin angles.  This is an excellent shot to do when you receive a short, wide ball.  Because you want an angle and not depth, you need an excessive amount of topspin to allow the ball to elevate up over the net, and down into the court.  Remember, set your racquet low by…