Category: Adult

leagues, tournaments, clinics

At Home With PRC, Episode 14

Today, we focus on three footwork drills.  The first progression is a great way to get on your toes for a good ready position.  Practice each progression throughout the day and keep moving!

At Home With PRC, Episode 13

Since it’s Sunday, we thought we would take a break from tennis and share some tips on how to boost your immune system, using acupressure.  Thanks to Helen Law, who has helped so many of you with her healthcare procedures, for sharing them with us.  Massage each area gently for 1 minute and repeat 2-3…

At Home With PRC, Episode 12

At Home With PRC, Episode 12: the point of today’s session is keeping the eyes and head still at the contact point. At PRC, we refer to this as having “Rogereyes”. If you don’t have an EyeCoach, drop a ball to your self, or mimic using a ball. Stay in the present!

At Home With PRC, Episode 11

Today, we work on tossing and catching.  Focus on turning your left side, rotating your right side and releasing the ball at a high point, and follow through.  If you throw from a longer distance, remember to load the back leg.  Don’t forget to keep your eyes and head still when catching.   Be well.

At Home With PRC, Episode 10 (part 1)

Today, we focus on lobbing.  We used a pretty high tree to practice our lob volley.  If you are in an area where the ball can bounce, try to lob off the bounce, too.  Remember to use a continental grip and keep your racquet and strings open.  Be well.  

At Home With PRC, Episode 9

If you are restricted to the indoors, practice your racquet skills or rally with a balloon, stuffed animal, etc.  Don’t forget to take advantage of this time for cross training, such as yoga, stretching, strength work…  As you can see, Auggie loves our downward dog best.  Have a great day.

At Home With PRC, Episode 8

Today, we graduate to rallying over an object.  Since all tennis courts are closed, select any object that is appropriate height.  Auggie was sunning and somewhat confident that we would rally high enough and not hit her.  Be well.

At Home With PRC, Episode 7

Today, we add direction to the rallying skills that we have practiced.  Judy will hit crosscourt and Cos will hit down the line – making a figure 8 pattern.  Don’t forget to turn your shoulders and set the racquet to your target.  Use a wall if necessary.  Have fun and be well.

At Home With PRC, Episode 6

At Home With PRC, Episode 6: Today, Lauren joins us and Judy explains the importance of keeping your eyes and head still while catching the ball. This same move will carryover to your tennis. Practice this with a partner or toss to yourself. Be well.

At Home With PRC, Episode 5

Today, find a high wall or curtain and add your racquet to yesterday’s motion.  After all this time…you thought Cos was the “balanced” one!  Be well.