Category: Adult

leagues, tournaments, clinics

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year.  Start 2020 off with a fun tennis match.  The club is open today until 4:00 pm and court time is available at the holiday rate.  Call to reserve a court 732-329-6200. Don’t forget to make your New Year’s tennis resolutions.  Try to identify how your game…

Holiday Match Play

The Holiday Match Play was filled with good tennis and cheer today. The next match play will be held on Monday at 9 am. Contact Coach Mansour to reserve a spot or to participate in the daily Game Drills scheduled Sunday- January 1st.

Life Lessons From A Dog

Several of the women from the Thursday 9:30 am clinic presented Cos and Judy with a beautiful wall plaque detailing life lessons from a dog (it is hanging on the wall by the lower lobby near portraits of Pebble and Auggie- PRC’s mascots).  So many of the lessons pertain to tennis as well, such as,…

Happy Birthday, Doris

The Thursday 11:00 drill enjoyed their last clinic of 2019 and then celebrated Doris’s birthday.  Best wishes to our friends headed to Florida.

PRC Holiday Schedule

PRC will offer a full array of tennis activities over the holidays for your enjoyment with your friends and family members.  The club will close at 3 pm on Christmas Eve and be closed on December 25th.  Seasonal contract courts will be on break from December 24-January 1st.  Open court time will be available for…

Teamwork on Wednesdays

Who says tennis is an individual sport?  Wednesday is team day at PRC, as six teams compete in either the Central Jersey Women’s Travel League or USTA 3.0 40 and over leagues.  Thanks to all of the captains and players who participate and compete in the leagues.

PRC Weather Update

All junior and adult clinics, pickleball and contract courts will be held as usual throughout the remainder of the day.  Please check here for weather updates.  Drive safely and exercise caution while driving and walking in the parking lots.  

Thanksgiving Schedule

Princeton Racquet Club will be open on Thanksgiving Day from 8:00 am- 4:00 pm.  Open court time can be reserved at a holiday rate by visiting or calling the front desk (732-329-6200).  All adult and junior clinics and court time will be held on Wednesday, Friday-Sunday.  A post Thanksgiving match play will be held on…

Conference Call

Coaches Colleen Cosgrove and Kaptan Karsolia attended the USPTA Middle States Annual Division Conference at the Wilmington Country Club in Delaware.  Some topics presented were Mental Conditioning, Footwork Patterns and Psychological and Physiological Differences for Females.  PRC is committed to providing teaching professionals who are not only certified (USPTA/PTR) but who continue to learn new…

Priority Registration for Juniors Opens Today

Mailbox at Princeton Racquet Club

Students currently enrolled in the fall session can reserve their spots for the same clinic (day and time) for the winter session starting on November 6th.  Open registration for new students or students who wish to change clinics/times will begin on November 21st.  Registration is available currently for juniors who were busy with outdoor fall…