Category: Adult

leagues, tournaments, clinics

Welcome back Helen!

It’s sad when our snow birds head south for the winter, but it’s also fun when they return for a visit.  Lots of fun having Helen P back on the courts during the holiday season enjoying drills and match play.

Fun on The Practice Courts

On Wednesday, teams competing in the USTA 3.0 league had terrific matches, while the other courts were full of students who participated in the clinics.  Perfect day for indoor tennis!

Register Now for Winter Session

Mailbox at Princeton Racquet Club

Registration is open to all juniors and adults for winter clinics.  Students who are currently enrolled in the fall session can register for a different clinic or for a clinic on a different day/time.  The winter session starts on January 3rd and continues for 14 weeks.  Check online or visit the front desk to see…

Full Match Play after Thanksgiving 

The courts were hopping with tennis players who returned to the courts early after the Thanksgiving  feastivities. The popular event was full (with a waiting list) and everyone enjoyed playing tennis and burning some extra calories. 

Turkey “Berger” Tournament

Great fun at today’s pre Thanksgiving match play.  Many players in the recent clinics have been working on seeing and hitting to spaces on the court.  To reinforce that, doubles teams were rewarded by receiving a “Berger” point for any winner hit during the match.  Many times a winner or Berger point is the result…

Cooking with Mansour

It was hot on court two as Leo and Lew worked hard with Coach Mansour today. Burning some calories and improving tennis. 

Just in Time for The Holidays – Cardio Tennis

Cardio Tennis is coming soon!  The purpose of Cardio Tennis is to train in the 5 heart rate zones, burn calories and train for tennis.  It is heart pumping fitness and game improvement at the same time.  A proper Cardio Tennis experience includes music, heart rate monitors, the agility ladder and the Cardio balls (low…

Wednesday A Team Looking Sharp

The Wednesday A Team, captained by Lisa Mecuro,  looked sharp on and off the court today while participating in the Central Jersey Women’s Travel League.   Team members were excited to model their new team jackets.

Welcome back, Terry.

There was a surprise guest at PRC today.  Terry Lopes, who moved to Las Vegas two years ago, stopped by to say hi.  The PRC staff, pros and several players all enjoyed her visit and appreciated that memorable laugh that we have missed hearing on the courts.

Wet Competition in Texas Leads to Social Opportunity

Middle States Intersectional Team

The weather for the USTA Intersectional Championships held in Texas was not ideal as it rained all day on Tuesday with showers on the other days.  There were over 285 participants, with teams representing ages groups starting with the 35’s and ending with the 80’s.  Jane Huff, a member of the 75 and over team,…