Category: Adult

leagues, tournaments, clinics

Welcome Back, Raj!

Raj Pyla Family

Everyone will recognize a familiar face at PRC this week.  Welcome back to Raj, long time teaching professional, who just returned from an extended vacation in India with his wife and daughter.  Raj enjoyed playing tennis everyday with his friends, when he wasn’t introducing his daughter to relatives.

Regional News!

Reva Leung

Congratulations to the PRC Triple Threat, who competed at the Regionals for the USTA Tri Level 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 team yesterday.  The team finished tied for first and lost by a tiebreaker for the championships.  Reva Leung, captain of the team,  then accepted the MS/NJD Captain of the Year Award today at the Laurel…

National News!

Volley Vets at Nationals

Congratulations to the Volley Vets, who competed this weekend in Arizona at the USTA 7.0 65 and over National Championships.  The team was undefeated in Flight 4, winning 3 matches and then lost 2-1 (by a 3rd set tiebreaker) to eventual champion, Hawaii.  What a fabulous experience!

The Numbers Don’t Lie!

First 4 Shots Clinic

Many of the students enrolled in the winter clinics or readers of the PRC webpage are familiar of the latest theory of the “First 4 Shots”.  If you missed it, see the post from a week ago.  Today, at a specialty clinic,  the servers work on shots 1 and 3 with Judy and the receivers worked on shots 2…

Good Season for PRC CJWTL Wednesday A Team

Wednesday CJWTL A team

The PRC CJWTL Wednesday A team completed it’s season today at home.  Thanks to Lisa Mecuro, captain, for all of her hard work.  Thanks to all of the teammates.

Spring Into League Specialty Clinics and Events

Mailbox at Princeton Racquet Club

This is the final week for Specialty Clinics in preparation for the spring USTA Adult league season, which begins next week.  The First 4 Shots will be held on Wednesday, April 6 from 9:30-11:00 am.  The Mental Toughness – 20 seconds clinics will be held on Wednesday April 6 at 1:00 -2:30 pm and on…

PRC 3.5 Team Wants S’more Tennis

PRC 3.5 Gunther Team

The PRC 3.5 USTA “Gunther”team concluded their season today vs Princeton Tennis Program.  Sue, captain of the team and also owner of the Old Monmouth Candy Store, presented the team members with personalized S’mores.  Thanks to Sue and Nancy (captain of the PRC Topspinners, and their teams for a very successful season in the inaugural…

Happy Birthday Jacinta!

Happy Birthday Jacinta

Better late than never!  Jacinta surprised us and missed the planned birthday on Thursday, her actual birthday.  Everyone showed their “flexibility” and enjoyed sharing cake and birthday wishes on Friday.

Forsythia Are in Full Bloom

Another special Fed Cup was held on Wednesday at 9:30 am. Thanks to all who participated and represented the forsythias, hydrangeas, daffodils, and peeps. Congratulations to the Forsythia, represented by Linda, Sue, Dawn and Ellen, who were the champions.         

The First 4 Shots – the beginning or the end?

The first 4 shots

What % of your practice session or lesson is devoted to serve, serve return and volleys? Does a 60 minute session entail 50 minutes of groundstrokes and 5 minutes each for serves and volleys. Is the serve return even included in the practice session or lesson?  The typical practice session by touring professionals, as well as…