Category: Match Play & Fed Cup

social leagues, match play, fed cup

Turkey “Berger” Tournament

Great fun at today’s pre Thanksgiving match play.  Many players in the recent clinics have been working on seeing and hitting to spaces on the court.  To reinforce that, doubles teams were rewarded by receiving a “Berger” point for any winner hit during the match.  Many times a winner or Berger point is the result…

Great Day for Outside Tennis

Four players participating in the Friday match play enjoyed playing outside today – record highs for great tennis and fun.

Wednesday A Team Looking Sharp

The Wednesday A Team, captained by Lisa Mecuro,  looked sharp on and off the court today while participating in the Central Jersey Women’s Travel League.   Team members were excited to model their new team jackets.

Halloween Treat: Fed Cup on Monday

A special Halloween Fed Cup will be offered on Monday, October 31 at 12:30 pm.  Space is very limited and spots can be reserved by contacting or emailing Cos.  The Friday match plays today had fun and were warming up for Monday with some hint of orange.

“A” Team Effort!

The Monday A Team was in a pinch for today’s match at EBRC because most players were unavailable.  Thanks to Captain Lori P and the many players who worked together to provide a full team for competition.  Thanks to Jane, Rana, Beth and Col for subbing.  It was a total team effort!

FALLing In Love With Tennis

Participants of the Monday 12:30 match play “insisted” on playing outside on the lovely clay courts.  Beautiful, colorful trees served as the back drop for the matches.  What a gorgeous day!  The outdoor courts (clay and hard) are available for play/rental.

Rainy Days and Mondays – Good for Indoor Tennis and Pickleball

PRC Court Jesters

The much needed rain predicted for Monday will not dampen chances for tennis and Pickleball.  Indoor opportunities for Monday:  Beginners:  1:00 pm, Advanced Beginner 11:30-1:00; 3.0-3.5 clinics:  Monday 7:30 am, 10:00 am; 3.5-4.0 10:30, 6:30 and 8:00 pm; 4.0-4.5 8:00-9:30 pm.  Women’s Doubles:  3.0-3.5 12:30-2:00 pm and 3.5 -4.0:  9:00-10:30 am. Pickleball:  8:30-10:00 am and…

Chilling Out at Friday Match Play

The first Friday match play of the fall season had such hot competition that everyone enjoyed ice pops to cool down!  Thanks Jacinta for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

It’s Time to …

PRC Outstanding sign

It’s time for a change of seasons, for a time to meet new friends, for a time to play more with “old” friends.  The fall/winter session starts on Tuesday, Sept 6th.  A full slate of programs are available including private and group lessons, match plays and USTA leagues, open courts (indoor and outdoor courts- including…

Behind Every Man…

What’s the saying- behind every man, there are great women?!  Coach Mansour not only has hard working students during “break” but is always having fun. Mansour will run a Friday match play, September 2nd at 9:30 am. Please email him or leave your name at the front desk. Wear red, white and blue for the…