Category: Leagues

“A” Team Celebrations

The Monday A team had several reasons to celebrate today.  First, the team swept all four courts vs a strong Hopewell team.  Secondly, the team celebrated Celeste’s birthday after their delicious luncheon.  Happy Birthday, Celeste and congratulations to all of the players.

March into Spring!

Mailbox at Princeton Racquet Club

Information regarding the spring junior and adult instructional programs, as well as summer junior camp, is now available.  The spring session starts on April 10th.  There are three pathways for juniors at PRC:  10 and under, Developmental (11 -17 years) and Competitive (Future Stars, High School Prep, Tournament Training and High Performance).   For a copy…

Holiday for Reunions

Deepa Pandya and her kids took advantage of the holiday weekend and returned to NJ and PRC.  Always great to have Deepa back on the courts.  We already look forward to your next visit, Deepa.

Court Rules

Attorneys Mia Cahill and Rachel Juliana take time when their out of court, and off the courts, to review the USTA rules.

A Good Day for Slices and Volleys

The PRC Slice Girls and Volley Girls started the morning with a great match in the USTA 3.5 league.  Congratulations to the winners and everyone is commended on their sportsmanship.

Love on and Off the Courts

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Lots of love on and off the courts today at PRC.  Great day for four 3.0 PRC teams competing in the USTA league and also the PRC Wednesday team who played their CJWTL match. Best wishes and love to everyone.  

Sweet Shot!

Winners were plentiful in the Berger Open this Morning during Match Play.  Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all for participating.  Special congratulations to Betty Long, who started the day by becoming a great grandmother.

Prep for Valentine’s Day – Berger Open on Monday

A Berger Open will be held on Monday, February 12th at 9:00 am.   “Berger” points will be awarded for every winner hit by a doubles teams.  A Berger cookie, the official cookie of Baltimore, is a vanilla wafer with a slab of delicious chocolate on top.   In addition to delicious rewards, this is a wonderful…

“A” Birthday Celebration

The PRC CJWTL Monday A team had a wonderful birthday celebration after the match for captain, Lori Perdigao.  Many happy returns, Lori.

Winning Combination – Tennis & Lunch with Friends

Superlatives regarding the 3.5 USTA match this afternoon between the PRC Volley Girls and the PRC Racqueteers were not limited to the court.  Both teams enjoyed sharing (food from around the world) and chatting.  It just doesn’t get any better than that!