Category: News

News and special events at PRC, US and world

Auggie Is Looking Forward to Fall

Auggie Fall

Fall is coming and it’s time to register for the fall/winter session, which will start on September 6th.   Registration for children’s clinics begins August 1st.  Programming information is available at the PRC front desk or by clicking here.  Register early to reserve a spot that is convenient for your schedule, especially if registering several children…

Happy Birthday, Lauren!

Lauren's Birthday

Happy Birthday Lauren, PRC’s beloved manager, who always has a smile for everyone at the club.  It was a fun day for staff and players to send some love and good wishes her way.

RIP Esther Kaliski

It is with sadness that we share the news of Esther Kaliski’s passing. Esther was a long time friend and team captain to so many women’s teams. There will be a service at St Cecilia’s Church, 19 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Jct on Saturday at 11:00 am. We will cherish all of the fond memories we…

Thanks Pat and Roger

Rather than throwing out their old kitchen cabinets during a remodeling project, Pat and Roger Klein offered them to PRC. With Judy’s vision and Nelson’s handiwork, the kitchen looks much nicer. Thanks so much Pat and Roger. 

Best Wishes Wendy

Wendy Schilling Party

Wendy Schilling,  one of PRC’s longtime players,  is moving and her teammates and friends surprised her on thursday with a farewell celebration.  Those present, as well as those who could not attend, wish Wendy the best as she moves to Delaware.  Her smile and kindness will be missed.

Best Wishes Dottie


On Friday, friends of Dottie Cook surprised her with a little send off party, as she is moving to Tennessee (or is it Tennisee?).  Dottie was a regular player on the Monday B teams for many years and friend to so many at PRC.  We are sad that she won’t be with us on the…

4th of July Schedule

Auggie July 4th

PRC will be open on Monday, July 4th from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.  Junior Camp will be held (9:00-noon and 1:00-4:00 pm).  Indoor and outdoor courts can be reserved by calling the PRC front desk 732-329-6200.  No Monday match play or clinics will be held on Monday.  All junior and adult lessons will be…

Benched at PRC is a Good Thing!

Cos and Judy, and all of the staff, campers, league participants, tournament competitors, and students are appreciative for the beautiful new, green benches that are Courtside on the hard courts. Special thanks to Helena Carr for her thoughtfulness and generosity. The next time we see Helena, we hope it will be on tv while attending…

Best wishes to Mine 

Judy gave a little extra hug to Mine today. Prayers and best wishes to our friends in Turkey. Safe travels to Mine, who will be visiting her family next week. 

June 10 and Under Tournament is Classic

Boy's 10's Tourn

The participants of the first USTA 10 and under tournament, Princeton June Classic,  held at PRC on Saturday, June 25th was a huge success.  Girls and boys competed in a round robin format on the clays and hard courts – all with blended lines on 60′ courts with orange balls.  The stroke and footwork looked…