Main Courts at Princeton Racquet Club
Season Tickets affords one an opportunity to attend an event on a regular and guaranteed basis. It is especially advantageous if it is difficult to obtain a “ticket” or if the regularity of the schedule promotes a commitment. This is what a seasonal contract court provides to a tennis player during the indoor season, which is a 32 week season beginning this week and ending in late April. An example would be that 4-8 players would have “season tickets” to a particular court every week at a specific time (example, Thursday evening 8:00 pm). What a great way to know that you can count on a game with friends every week. Several courts are available during prime time during the weekdays between 6:30-9:30 pm and Saturday throughout the day. The best “deals” are courts secured 2:00-3:30 pm or after 9:30 pm on weekdays. If you are interested in playing on a contract court but don’t know 3 other players at your level, please leave your contact information and level on the bulletin board in the back lobby and we will try to match you up with court captains looking for players. Contact Maria, Lauren or Cos for available seasonal courts and rates.