Tag: MS NJD Awards

Award Winning Day

Iordache Family

Congratulations to the Tuchscherers, recipients of the USTA New Jersey District Family of the Year Award, presented today at the Laurel Creek Country Club.  Konrad and Hannah (parents) and Khatumu and Nyakeh shared the award with their grandmother, Mary, who is a coach in Hilton Head, SC.  Nyambe, a freshman at Notre Dame University, was…

Congratulations Captain Reva!

Reva Leung

Reva Leung has been named the USTA League Captain of the Year by the Middle States/New Jersey District.  Reva has been a captain of many PRC over the years, including the  Tri Level, Mixed 7.0 and the 3.5 Women’s teams.  She also volunteered her time to assist with the district championships.   Reva will be honored…