Tag: princeton tennis lessons

Forecast for Spring Programs

What perfect timing for the spring programs at PRC!  The spring adult lessons, match plays and USTA Adult Leagues kick off tomorrow.  The outdoor hard courts are ready and it will be wonderful to play outside.  To see the spring programs online, click here.  Please email Cos if you would like to play in the women’s…

Are you ready for April?

Hard Courts at Princeton Racquet Club

Many of you may say yes, I have been anxiously watching April, the giraffe on the Animal Adventure Park Giraffe Cam, ready to give birth to her baby.  As this is written, over 215,000 people are watching the live camera, as she may deliver any minute.  If you would like to spend some of your snow…

Auggie Is Looking Forward to Fall

Auggie Fall

Fall is coming and it’s time to register for the fall/winter session, which will start on September 6th.   Registration for children’s clinics begins August 1st.  Programming information is available at the PRC front desk or by clicking here.  Register early to reserve a spot that is convenient for your schedule, especially if registering several children…

“Hot” Summer Adult Clinics

Kaptan's Clinic

It’s not too late to enroll in an adult clinic or drop in to a lesson.  Coaches (Judy, Cos, JR, Kaptan, Mansour and Raj) conduct lessons and drills for adults during the daytime, weeknights and weekends.  Private lessons can also be scheduled at your convenience.  Summer is the best time of year to work on…

Raise your Racquet – Not Your Hand!

PRC Juniors

Summer means no more raising your hand!  School’s out – so raise your racquets for fun at PRC.  Junior clinics are available Monday – Thursday 4:00-6:30 pm and on Saturday and Sundays.  Junior Developmental and Tournament and High Performance camps start next Monday and continue until August 26th.  Camp sessions are offered for the morning, afternoon…

Spring for Junior and Adult Lessons

TC with Junior clinic at PRC

The spring session for junior and adult tennis programs begins on Monday, April 11th. Private and group lessons and leagues will be conducted outdoors on the hard or clay courts and indoors as well.  Please visit the front desk or the website for online registration for clinics.

The First 4 Shots – the beginning or the end?

The first 4 shots

What % of your practice session or lesson is devoted to serve, serve return and volleys? Does a 60 minute session entail 50 minutes of groundstrokes and 5 minutes each for serves and volleys. Is the serve return even included in the practice session or lesson?  The typical practice session by touring professionals, as well as…

Spring Into Tennis

Spring Junior League at Princeton Racquet Club

Princeton Racquet Club is offering tennis private and group lessons, leagues and match plays and specialty clinics for juniors and adults starting on April 11th.  Junior clinics for ages 4-18 years,  are scheduled on the indoor courts.  The majority of adult clinics and league play are scheduled on the clay and hard outdoor courts.  USTA teams are…