Tag: south brunswick adult tennis lessons

Swinging Into Spring for Adults

Spring programming information for adults is available and registration starts March 1st.  Spring programs start April 17th and continue 9 weeks and are offered indoors, as well as, on our beautiful outdoor hard and clay courts.  Instructional clinics are available for beginners through tournament level players during the day time, evenings and weekends.  Social singles…

Summer Adult Information and Registration Available Now

The summer session for adult  programs will begin on June 15th.  The session will be offered for 9 weeks plus one week for make ups.  Group lessons will be offered during the weekdays and weekends through the summer, for beginners through tournament level.   Private lessons can be arranged by contacting the pro staff.  Registration starts…

Spring Into Summer With Adult Clinics and Matches

The summer session for adult and junior clinics and programs will begin on June 14th.  The session will be offered for 9 weeks plus one week for make ups.  Group lessons will be offered during the weekdays and weekends through the summer, for beginners through tournament level.   Popular singles and doubles match plays are available…

Fall Adult Programming Available

Mailbox at Princeton Racquet Club

Registration for the Fall Adult Session starts on August 1st.  The fall/winter indoor season begins on Thursday, Sept 9th.  Princeton Racquet Club is recognized nationally and by the USTA Middle States for it’s excellence in quality tennis instruction, leagues and tournaments. Adults can choose from beginner through tournament level clinics, game drills (which combine cardio/fitness/fun),…

Falling for Tennis

What a gorgeous day for tennis!  The outdoor courts were filled from the sunrise to sunset. with adults from contract courts, private lessons and clinics, singles match play and Game Drills.  Lots of juniors are having fun after school, learning and exercising on the courts.  We have also enjoyed welcoming back participants of the contract…

PRC Outdoor Courts Are Open

aerial view of PRC facilities

We are pleased to announce that PRC is open for outdoor tennis.  The club is open daily from 8:00 am – 8:00 pm.  Courts can be reserved by calling the front desk (732-329-6200) and must be prepaid.   Private and semi private lessons are  available.  Contact your favorite teaching professional or call the club to set…

Winter Adult Programming and Registration Available

The winter session for the adult instructional program will begin on January 2nd.  The session will be held for 14 weeks and will include instructional clinics for beginners through tournament level players.  Game Drills, a high intensity, cardio work out featuring lots of strokes and movement in a fun atmosphere, are offered daily.  Popular singles…

Spring Into Summer!

The summer season is approaching and the information for junior clinics and adult programs is available.  Registration starts May 21st.  In addition to the very popular junior tennis camp, clinics are offered after camp on weekdays (between 4:00-6:30 pm) and on weekends.  The PRC junior program has three tracks:  10 and under, developmental and competitive. …

Fall Registration Open Now

Registrations are being accepted for junior and adult lessons and programs at Princeton Racquet Club.  PRC is recognized nationally and named a Premier Tennis Facility by the USTA Middle Section section for it’s commitment to offer quality programming for children and adults.  The fall session starts on September 7th and clinics are held indoors.  Weather…

Forecast for Spring Programs

What perfect timing for the spring programs at PRC!  The spring adult lessons, match plays and USTA Adult Leagues kick off tomorrow.  The outdoor hard courts are ready and it will be wonderful to play outside.  To see the spring programs online, click here.  Please email Cos if you would like to play in the women’s…