Tag: USTA Adult League Tennis

Swinging Into Spring for Adults

Spring programming information for adults is available and registration starts March 1st.  Spring programs start April 17th and continue 9 weeks and are offered indoors, as well as, on our beautiful outdoor hard and clay courts.  Instructional clinics are available for beginners through tournament level players during the day time, evenings and weekends.  Social singles…

Zoom to the USTA Captain’s Meeting Feb 6th

Hard courts at PRC

Reminder that the USTA Captain’s Meeting for the upcoming spring/summer USTA Adult League season is Thursday night at 7 pm.  Captains will have the benefit to stay warm, with no travel to a meeting site, and hear the new rules and procedures for the 2025 season. Click for the  Zoom meeting link.  If you are…

Fall Registration for Adult Programs Starts August 1st

Registration for adult lessons and programs at Princeton Racquet Club starts on August 1st.  PRC is recognized nationally and named a Premier Tennis Facility by the USTA Middle Section section for its commitment to offer quality instructional and competitive programming.  The fall session starts on September 5th and clinics are scheduled indoors.  Weather permitting, students…

Priority Registration Starts November 1st for Winter Session

Priority Registration begins November 1st for students enrolled in the fall session who wish to enroll for the same class (level/day/time) for the winter session.  Priority registration must be done through the front desk.  Open registration for new students or students wishing to change the class starts on November 15th and can be accepted online…

Register Now for Spring Adult Programs

Spring programming information for adults is available and registration is open.  Spring programs start April 18th and continue 9 weeks and are offered indoors, as well as, on our beautiful outdoor hard and clay courts.  Instructional clinics are available for beginners through tournament level players during the day time, evenings and weekends.  Social singles and…

Registration Starts March 14th for Adult Spring Programs

aerial view of PRC facilities

Spring programming information for adults is available and registration starts March 14th.  Spring programs start April 11th and continue 9 weeks and are offered indoors, as well as, on our beautiful outdoor hard and clay courts.  Instructional clinics are available for beginners through tournament level players during the day time and evenings and weekends.  Social…

PRC Slammers off to Good Start

Despite a damp start to the USTA Sectional League Championships, the PRC Slammers defeated Central Jersey 5-0 in their first match of the day.  Matches were delayed because of the wet court conditions and competitors started each set at 2-2.  PRC is an indoor site for rain back up.  Hoping the weather improves for Saturday…

Summer Adult Program Info and Registration

The summer session for adult and junior clinics and programs will begin on June 15th.  The session will be offered for 9 weeks plus one week for make ups.  Group lessons will be offered during the weekdays and weekends through the summer, for beginners through tournament level.   Private lessons can be arranged by contacting the…

Spring Adult Program Info Available

aerial view of PRC facilities

Spring programming information for adults is available and registration starts March 15th.  Instructional clinics are available for beginners through tournament level players during the day time and evenings and weekends.  Social singles and doubles league play with coaching supervision is very popular.  PRC is a proud to be a Premier USTA League Tennis Provider and…

USTA League NTRP Year End Ratings Available!

You can view your rating on TennisLink under “Find NTRP Rating Level.”  Click this link https://tennislink.usta.com/Leagues/Common/Default.aspx What will this number mean to you?  A year-end rating is a NTRP level assigned at conclusion of the league championship year that reflects level of ability.  A player’s year-end rating shall be used to enter leagues during the following…