Tag: USTA Adult League Tennis

It’s Not Too Late – It’s Fall!

The fall season has begun!  Private and group lessons, leagues and  seasonal contract courts started on September 6th.   It’s not too late to register for a clinic or league or reserve an indoor court for the season.   The junior and adult programming information is available online and at the PRC front desk.   Group lessons are…

Spring For USTA Leagues

It’s not too early to think about spring tennis!  The captain’s meeting for USTA women’s leagues (2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 day and evening) leagues for 18 and older and 40 and older will be held on Monday, January 29th at PRC at 7:00 pm.  Please contact Judy Vogt, local league coordinator, for a team application…

Triple Fun on Saturday Evenings

The indoor USTA women’s Tri Level League will begin on Saturday, October 21st and end in March.  The league is very unique in that women who are rated three different playing levels comprise one team.  A team match consists of three doubles teams which compete at 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0.  It is a fun way…

Umbrellas Were Raised for the Sun

Umbrellas were raised in defense of the sun, rather than rain as teammates from the two PRC USTA 7.0 Women’s 55 and over teams squared off in their first match of the season.  What exciting matches – two ending with 10 point match tiebreakers.  With the points by position system, the teams ended in a…

Super Seniors!

The Mercer Slammers, captained by Peter Wepplo and Robert Parker, practiced on the clay courts yesterday.  The team just returned from the USTA National 7.0 Men’s Super Seniors 65 and over Championships.  They had a great time and enjoyed the competition.  We are hoping to start a USTA 65 and over women’s  league for the…

Teams Overcome Flaky Friday

Two weeks ago, the outdoor courts were filled with women from Friday match play league, dressed in sleeveless shirts and sunglasses.  Today, the snow didn’t stop most of the women from participating in Friday match plays, Game drills and lessons.  Both PRC teams played each other in the 3.5 USTA league at 12:30 and then had an early…

USTA 3.0 Winter League Ends With Good Matches and Party

The USTA 3.0 winter league season ended today with fun matches and team parties.  Thanks to the captains and players from the Alley Katz (Kate and Nancy), Cosmos (Sue), Hurricane (Catherine) and Sweet Spots (Charlotte).  Congratulations to the Alley Katz who won and will advance to district championships in the summer.

USTA Captain’s Meeting Postponed to 2/16

Hard courts at PRC

Due to the pending winter storm, the NJ District Captains’ Meeting for the North, Central, and Shore area Adult Spring Leagues has been postponed to next Thursday, February 16th, beginning at 6:30pm for the women and 7:45pm for the men at the Marriott Forrestal in Princeton, NJ.  Please arrive 15 minutes early to receive your team number.  If you…

Win – Win at Princeton Racquet Club

PRC 3.5 Winter Teams

Princeton Racquet Club was victorious during the match between Sue Gunther and Kate Lakritz’s teams today that competed in the USTA 3.5 18 and over league.  The toughest opponents one may face are those that are from their own club, sometimes with your friend on the other side of the net.  It is a challenge…

Cosmos and Sweet Spots at PRC

Good luck to the Cosmos and Sweet Spots who will compete in the USTA 3.0 League this season.